The Calendar Company FAQs

We can accept images as either electronic or as hard copies, although we do recommend that if you have the electronic versions that you send us those. We accept jpeg, tiff, raw, pdf file types and would recommend that you send us the images without altering dpi and physical size (as this allows us to assess the image quality better and inform you if there are any problems).

Recommended file sizes:

(Images taken using mobile phones do not usually produce good results as they have very small lenses and although do sometimes produce large files, the end result is not suitable for printing)

Desktop Calendar 500kb+

Single page A4 Calendar 1mb+

Double A4 and A3 Calendar 2mb+

We would recommend a max size of 5mb as any more than this will not improve the quality of the end product.

It is better for the consistency of your calendar design if the images are of the same orientation however we will work with what you give us and work around problem that we might have.

What format do our images have to be in for use with a calendar?

We can accept images as either electronic or as hard copies, although we do recommend that if you have the electronic versions that you send us those. We accept jpeg, tiff, raw, pdf file types and would recommend that you send us the images without altering dpi and physical size (as this allows us to assess the image quality better and inform you if there are any problems).

Recommended file sizes:

(Images taken using mobile phones do not usually produce good results as they have very small lenses and although do sometimes produce large files, the end result is not suitable for printing)

Desktop Calendar 500kb+

Single page A4 Calendar 1mb+

Double A4 and A3 Calendar 2mb+

We would recommend a max size of 5mb as any more than this will not improve the quality of the end product.

Do all images need to be the same orientation?

It is better for the consistency of your calendar design if the images are of the same orientation however we will work with what you give us and work around problem that we might have.

Can we have more than one image per month?

Yes, but thought should be given as to how the images can sit together and fit into the aperture of the type of design you want.

How do we send the electronic images over?

If the images are under 5mb then you can use e-mail unless your provider restricts the size of e-mails you can send, we have a Dropbox Account and we also use

Do I need to convert the colour space of the images?

No, every image we use within your calendar design we will convert to cmyk, re-size and alter the dpi to the right format to ensure your calendars are printed with optimum image quality. However if you prefer to edit your own images then we need all colours converting to cmyk, dpi set at min of 300, physical size of the image is dependent on the size and design of the calendar please contact Design Team with any specific queries.

What are the delivery costs?

Delivery on calendar orders of 50+ is free to mainland UK, if you live out side this area or you wish to order less than 50 copies then please contact for your pricing query.

Do I get to see the calendar before it is printed?

Once we have all the information to produce your calendar we go through a proofing process where we send over electronic pdf’s for approval, we make amendments to the design and re-proof as many times as required until you are happy with calendar design. This process can take just a few hours or a few days depending on your requirements.

How long does it take for my calendars to be delivered to us?

Calendars are usually delivered within ten working days of the approval of the design, if you need your calendars within a tighter timescale then let us know and we can usually send out a small batch prior to whole order being ready. Please note we are very busy from middle of September to end of December and we advise that all our clients fill in the online order form including the date for delivery with the description box as soon as they decide to order with us. No payment is required by filling in this form, it just notifies us of your order date from here we will send a request for the images etc… we will invoice you once we have started work on the design. For account enquiries email

We have our own design, can we use this?

Yes, we require all colour to be converted to cmyk (if black and white, then greyscale), we need 3mm bleed all round and crop mark should be included and sent as a high res pdf file 50mb-200mb in size.

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