Increase staff moral and customer engagement with promotional goods
While some companies spend thousands of pounds a month on promotional goods, others spend infinitely less. Whatever the budget, creating promotional merchandise is fun for employees and a great way to connect with your target audience. Involving employees in the design process is a great way to improve moral and ensure that the message your charity has to offer never gets lost. Promotional products are so widely used because they transcend people’s interests, ages and behaviours. All of us like receiving something for free or entering a prize-draw to win a bespoke item, and the result for the company is a budget spent wisely. One that drives word-of-mouth and has a continuous effect throughout the year.
Promotional merchandise is creative, fun and professional
Before the idea of promotional goods came about, charities struggled with getting the message out. How do you show all your best attributes to total strangers? The internet has, once again, revolutionised the way charities interact with their patrons. Our calendars, greeting cards and other promotional items are available online and with customer service that is suited to each project. It’s not just a case of you tell us what you want and we create it. Our services work with professional firms, fun companies and creative charities to produce products that have charisma and great practical appeal.
The key to the best promotional products is consistency
Our top tip this week, when it comes to promotional merchandise, is…be consistent! Instead of printing one set of calendars and distributing them once, why not send post cards out first to get people’s interest in entering a draw, then follow it up later with the calendars as prizes? Promotional creations come in all shapes and sizes, too, so you can get the exact product you’re looking for. Another thing we should mention is that we offer a full design service. So if you have that great idea for promotional goods but aren’t totally sure how to make it a reality, drop us a line and we’ll see what we can do for you!